New updated price list of original AyurvedicUrea
Dear Customers,
Please find new price list for original AyurvedicUrea products.
Product Details - Pricing
1-Inch Sample Package - Price: USD $24,000.00
3-7 Inch Herb Package - Price: USD $39,000.00
4-Inch Powder or Liquid Package - Price: USD $46,000.00
6-Inch Powder or Liquid Package - Price: USD $57,000.00
8-Inch Powder or Liquid Package - Price: USD $71,000.00
*The AyurvedicUrea capsules are currently in the beta testing phase, with confidential research being conducted with Korean participants. As a result, pricing for the capsules is not yet available. We will release the capsules soon, and pricing information will be provided to the public at that time.
Effective: (September 9, 2024) - All price final!
Best Regards,
AyurvedicUrea Price List